calendar_today Nov 30, 2023 person alex
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Cook Time
10 mins
Prep Time
10 mins
Mapo Tofu (from packaged sauce)


Easy Mapo Tofu instructions using pre-made sauce


This is a super easy and quick dish to make.

  • 1/2 lb (200g) of ground pork or beef or turkey
  • 1 package of soft or silken tofu (around 400g)
  • Handful of green onions
  • Mapo Tofu packaged sauce. You can find this at any Asian grocery store.

You can use any type of meat although traditionally pork is used. Feel free to omit meat as well.

I find soft tofu works the best, although if you prefer silken or medium, that is fine too!


  1. Begin by cutting your tofu into approx 1cm by 1cm cubes.
  2. Fry your ground meat until cooked.
  3. Once cooked, add the whites of the green onions and cook for 1 minute.
  4. Add the packaged Mapo tofu sauce.
  5. Add water (adjusting thickness to your liking).
  6. Add the tofu and the rest of the green onions and simmer for 5 minutes.
Tofu cut into cubes
Step 1. Cut your tofu into cubes of approximately 1cm by 1cm.
mapo tofu sauce
I use this Mapo Tofu sauce.
fry meat and then add green onions
Step 3. Once the ground meat is cooked, add the whites of the green onions.
thickness of mapo tofu
Step 5. Add the Mapo tofu sauce and water (thickness to your liking).
mapo tofu
Step 6. Add in your tofu and simmer.
mapo tofu with rice
Enjoy! I like it with rice.


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